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May is for Marriage: Mr & Mrs Marshall


Greeting, reggae rebels! We've had an amazing couple of weeks with the sun out and the reggae singing out loud! We have indeed hit May, the month of marriage! May-rriage? I don't know, there's something there, but I'm not quite getting it right.

Anyway, we played the wedding of Alex and Tiffany at an absolutely gorgeous venue in Cassington, Oxfordshire, called Worton Hall.

The grounds were gorgeous, and the huge converted barn was complete with stage, seating, bar and mezzanine. 

The couple were just gorgeous together. Alex looked smooth as heck in his suit and Tiffany was just a tiny bubbly princess and the absolute centre of attention. 

We had the pleasure of being joined for both of these weddings by our associate DJ, Marcus Copesta. You can find more about Marcus here. 

We were also joined by dep guitarist, Ollie, who stood in for Angus whilst he went on training for his new job (congrats, dude!) and Ollie was a great addition to the line up and we have dubbed him Reggufam already. You'll be seeing some more of Ollie in the future!

Marcus built up the vibe whilst we loaded in, sound checked and prepared, and then we hit the stage. The set was entirely selected by the happy couple, and towards the end of the night, they joined us on stage to sing along (Alex can really sing!) and dance. 

We made some lovely new friends, Sarah and Catherine, who were just very lovely people who enjoyed the music and came to chat with us afterwards (and get all the selfies, which is hella important). 

We also met a lovely security man that we have dubbed 'Chopper Rob' as Teebs and I had a rather interesting conversation with him about helicopters in the boot of Teebs' car! 

Alex and Tiffany really went above and beyond to make the aesthetic of their wedding something truly memorable - from the neon sign 'The Marshalls' behind the couples' table, to the beautiful stand of lost relative photographs in attendance, to the abundant array of blooms in all shades of pink, they absolutely nailed it. 

The day wasn't without issues, however. There was a problem with the first dance song - something had gone wrong technology-wise and it didn't go to plan, but the couple were really understanding about it and we managed to repair the damage and re-do it, which turned out much nicer as the millions of fairy lights were really glowing and the sun had gone down when they did it. Whilst we always aim that nothing will go wrong, realistically it sometimes does, especially when you add human- and machine- error into the equation! Thank you for being so understanding and allowing us to try and fix the problem for you, guys!

Huge shout out to our contact, Kira, who was really lovely and 100% on it for her job of wedding coordinator/band liaison. She was so good! 

A big massive thank you to Alex and Tiffany for inviting us all to be a part of your beautiful day. 


The venue we played at is Worton Hall in Cassington.

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